Benefits of Membership
- access to a variety of experienced tutors to encourage and support your artistic endeavours
- availability of permanent exhibition space in the heritage Art Gallery in the Society's Manor House where the public may view and purchase your works
- 10% discount on all art supplies and frames upon presentation of your membership card to The Framer, Cnr Gore and Gordon Streets
- discounted entry fees for all of the Society's exhibitions, including the Easter Art Exhibition, where substantial prizes are donated by the local business community
- enjoyable social evenings to build friendships with like-minded members, including both beginning and accomplished artists, and experience the stimulating atmosphere of a diverse and dynamic mid north coast art scene
If you have any questions about membership or the Society's activities feel free to call or email Maureen Cooke on 0409 820 694.
To apply for membership, please download and print off an application form and complete the relevant details, including endorsement by a current Society member, and post it to the address below with a cheque for $25 for single membership or $35 for double.
Honorary Secretary
Port Macquarie Art Society Inc
PO Box 529
Port Macquarie NSW 2444